Thursday, March 11, 2004

I Touch Myself

I am so shy about promoting my own events which is pretty silly, but I gotta do it! I am tooting my horn to say that I came up with either brilliant or asinine idea to hold an open-mic for bloggers. So here it goes!

Nichelle’s Sunday Night Social Presents “The Blog That Ate Sunday!”
It’s an Open-Mic for Bloggers on March 14. Bring your latest and greatest posts to share with the parasitic and enthusiastic people of New York’s blogger community. Sign-up is at 7PM and you get 3-5 minutes to be a star or bore us! We will blog until 10PM. Afterward, I will post the entire list of contributor URLs on my blog, Nichelle Newsletter, so you’ll get a free plug.

Light snacks and refreshments will be provided until they run out!

Site: Empire Dance Studio 127 West 25th Street, 11th Floor between 6th & 7th Avenues Buzzer 17

Time and Date Stamp: Sunday, March 14 7PM-10PM

Fee: a mere $5

With Love, Lube & Gratitude,

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