Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Running With The Night

This week is so HUGE in my blogger family! With my Gothamist Interviews this week and my cousin-in-law, Chris Rabb from the Afro-Netizen blogging about the Democratic Convention in Boston, we've got the politics and entertainment thing covered. Anyway here is an excerpt of his latest post.
[Attention readers: These blog entries may contain high doses of sarcasm. Please read with caution.]

I'll be hoofin' it to the Fleet Center shortly to join the 15,000 credentialed journalists who are covering this suspenseful political extravaganza (he says sardonically)!
After all, other than knowing the nominee-to-be, his running-mate, and the Democratic Party's official 2004 platform, we don't know anything! For instance, where is the Utah delegation going to be situated? And who will be holding the tazer-gun when presidential footnote Al Gore takes the podium?

[As you can see, sarcasm runs in the family] To read more, check it out HERE.

What's Going ON?

Yay! My first Gothamist Interview is up. Jessy Delfino kindly agreed to be interviewed before she gets all Courtney Love on us! If you have comments, bring 'em here!

By the way, Jessy is one of the VERY funny women who are performing next Tuesday August 3rd at the Chicks and Giggles show!

Ultragrrrl is gonna get me fired from my day  job by posting a link to Tetris.  I was playing on my lunch break.